2440 Bonnie Brae Rd Cumming, GA 30041

Fall Season Tree Maintenance

Fall Season Tree Maintenance

Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind for the fall season tree maintenance in your yard and lawn.

You Could Get rid of trees That Make it Hard to Maintain Your Lawn – Fall Season Tree Maintenance

Surely, trees can be a beautiful sight during the spring and summer but comes autumn and it is time to clean up your yard for the winter by removing tons of leaves, pine cones, sweet gum balls, magnolia cones and more. Some of the messiest trees to work around are Oak, Sweet Gum, Pecan and Southern Magnolia.


Sweetgum Tree
Magnolia Tree
Oak Tree
Pecan Tree
Pecan Tree








In the case of Oak and Pecan trees it is difficult to rake all the acorns that might sprout the following spring. In addition, they shed branches of varying sizes that can fall on your vehicle or home. Sweet Gum trees will not only shed leaves, but a made-in-hell acorn covered in spikes that you will not want to experience while barefoot. They could also sprain your ankle if you step on it. Southern Magnolia trees will drop cones that are very hard; so, forget about mowing them like pine cones; your mower will not be able to break them down and can be as hazardous as the Sweet Gum balls for the ankles.

Magnolia Pod
Pecan Drupe
Pecan Drupe
Sweetgum Ball
Sweetgum Ball








And there’s the tree sap…

Tree sap will do extensive damage to the paint of your house and car, stain outdoor surfaces and furniture, not to mention making the bottom of your shoes sticky so you can carry all that dirt inside your house.

If you really love having any these beautiful trees in your property try to plant them at a safe distance from your house, where they won’t make it too hard for your lawn cleaning and by to doing a fall season tree maintenance.

Clean Up for Winter

If you have trees too close to your home, you run the risk of a dead branch falling on the roof punching a hole in it or crushing a vehicle parked on your driveway that will cost you a pretty penny to repair. You need to periodically look at their health condition of your trees during the fall season tree maintenance to foresee these situations including preparing for winter storms and winter ice. Contact us if you have any doubts about trimming branches or removing your tree altogether.

Sharp Tree Service will give you some guidelines and what to look for when you call us for service. Don’t wait to diagnose trees that pose potential damage to your home. Sharp Tree Service takes pride in the proper diagnosis and treatment of your trees, we are expert Arborists. Give us a call at 770-428-2543 to schedule an appointment to avoid the trouble of letting a high-risk or unhealthy tree get out of hand.